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Supercharge your music library for summer with these tips

Never miss a beat with these little reminders...

Activate alerts

Waiting with bated breath for a song? Set up an alert on any suggested song or for any version that has yet to be produced. Have an artist you love? Get notified via email when a new song is added. If you can't find the Niestandardowy podkład or the Karaoke video for an existing song, you can always request it. Find out how.

Read our Blog and follow us on Facebook

Each week, we publish our most recent additions on our blog. Weekly additions are also posted on our Facebook page. You'll also notice a rolling update of new additions as they come on any of the main pages under the section ostatnio dodane podkłady MP3.

Access your files from any device

As long as you have your username and your password, login to Moje konto and then click on Moje pliki to download from any device.

Get your songs on your tablet or smartphone

While this depends on your device, syncing your songs to your tablet or smartphone is a great way for easy, on-the-go listening. Get step-by-step instructions here: Apple / Android.

Now all that's left is to assemble your summer playlist. Here are a few of our favorites:

So, what's on your summer playlist?

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Higher, Michael Bublé's last album, is already available on Wersja Karaoke

Worthy heir to the jazz singers of the 1950s, Canadian artist Michael Bublé just released his new solo album Higher. A...

From « Don't Go Breaking My Heart » to « Cold Heart », Elton John still knows how to make us feel alive!

Iconoclastic artist, composer of timeless ballads and creator of hits that became classics, Sir Elton John has lived...

Cover songs for weddings? the answer is "yes"!

Soul, Rock, Pop, Movie score… Playing the right music at the right time is the magic formula to rock any wedding...

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