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Wersja Karaoke update!

Wersja Karaoke gets better!

The whole team has been working hard during these last few weeks improving the Instrumental page!

We are proud to announce the release of the new version of this page!

Lots of new cool features, including:

- Public comments
- Average rating & easier voting
- New sharing options (Facebook Like, Google +)
- Cleaner layout

You will find the usual details about the songs (tempo, duration...) by clicking on "More info".

Check out the new Instrumental page!

The (Karaoke) Show Must Go On

September 5th is an important date for many Queen's fans. Freddie Mercury would have celebrated his 65th birthday today!

The artist has been an icon for a whole generation!

Wanna sing the most famous songs made famous by Queen on this special date?

Browse your favourite Queen karaoke tracks clicking here!

Life is live

Summer is getting close to the end and we hope you had a good time enjoying music festivals and live performances.

Wanna recall those nice moments? Have fun with the live performances of your favourite artists on Wersja Karaoke, thanks to the Live category.

Enjoy this opportunity to discover the advanced search by genre, period, language, and filter by duets, medleys... Surprise yourself!
