What If I Was Nothing - Custom Karaoke - All That Remains

To nagranie jest coverem What If I Was Nothing rozsławionym przez All That Remains

The lyrics below are only an example. Go on, write your own!
*Or go on, test your singing skills in Latin!

Be one of the first to customize this song

  • Unlimited changes to your song for 90 days after purchase
  • Only MP4 format is available at this time

Private usage only

9,99 $ Dodaj do koszyka

Create your custom karaoke in 3 steps

  1. 1

    Purchase the song
    that you want to customize

  2. 2

    Be creative,
    add your lyrics

  3. 3

    Dowload the video
    of your custom karaoke

Give the gift of a unique and unforgettable moment
with a customized song!


Tempo takie jak w orginale: 72 BPM

Tonacja taka jak orginał: C♯m

Plik kończy się prawidłowo, bez wyciszenia

Data wydania: 2012
Format: MP4
Genres: Hard Rock & Metal, W języku angielskim
Słowa oryginalne: Jason M Costa, Robert Douglas Graves III, Michael Francis Martin, Oliver Scott Herbert, Philip Steven Labonte

Wszystkie dostępne do pobrania pliki to backing tracks, a nie oryginalne utwory.