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I Always Wanted a Brother Karaoke - Mufasa: The Lion King

To nagranie jest coverem I Always Wanted a Brother rozsławionym przez Mufasa: The Lion King
Braelyn Rankins, Theo Somolu, Aaron Pierre & Kelvin Harrison Jr.

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Będzie Ci potrzebne kompatybilne oprogramowanie karaoke z CDG, aby odczytać te pliki. Możesz np. użyć Karafun. Pobierz oprogramowanie karaoke KaraFun.

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Z wokalem (with or without vocals in the KFN version)

Tempo takie jak w orginale: 124 BPM

Tonacja taka jak orginał: F♯, E♭

Czas trwania: 03:34 - Podgląd na stronie: 02:04

Data wydania: 2024
Genres: TV & muzyka z filmów, W języku angielskim

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Tekst I Always Wanted a Brother

When I am king no other animal will break my stride, break my stride
And my brother
My brother
When I'm king, you'll always take my side
Ha, yeah, right
That's right
When I am king
You are king no other animal will break our pride, break our pride
And my brother
Our prey may run away
My brother but they can't hide
Watch your hide
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
Okay, she didn't say
Either way
Hide away, let's go hide away, let's go
Okay, we're on our way on our way
On our way
Run away, let's go
Run away, let's go
Ha-ha, you're very sharp
Yes, you are
Hmm, ha, hmm, ha, let's go
Yes, you are, let's go
Make a wish on the brightest star, and I say
I always wanted a brother
I always wanted a brother
I always wanted a brother just like you
And I always wanted a brother
I always wanted a brother
And I always wanted a brother
I always wanted a brother
I always wanted a brother just like you
I always wanted a brother just like you
You see that tree
Those birds are watching the world unfold
The world unfold
Oh, brother
My brother
When I'm king, they will do as they're told
You may look down on them but they are free
You can't catch me
And where they go cannot be controlled
No one looks down on me
They look down on us, brother
Some things you chase
Okay, it's getting old but you cannot hold
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
I've got to find a way find our prey
Fine, I'll wait, let's go
I heard his father say he doesn't want this stray
I dare you to say that again to my face
What did you say 'bout my brother
That's not a stray that's my brother
You stay away from my brother
'Cos I say so
If you put your paws on my brother
You'll meet the jaws of his brother
Those are the laws for my brother
Where'd he go
I always wanted a brother
I still remember my mother
One season after another another, another
Everyone sing for my brother
I'd do anything for my brother
Soon, I'll be king with my brother
By my side
I always wanted a brother
Now, we rely on each other
One season after another
Hey, Mufasa
Yes, Taka
I'll race you to the other side
Race you to the other side
Race you to the other side, ha

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