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Weekly summary of Grudzień 19, 2022

We are pleased to feature Go Go Power Rangers, Tears of Gold and My Mind & Me among the 124 tracks in Backing Tracks that have been added this week on Wersja Karaoke. Discover the latest Utwór karaoke Wykonawca Power Rangers, Faouzia, or Selena Gomez.

Weekly summary of Grudzień 12, 2022

We are pleased to feature Play with Me, Graves into Gardens (live) and Vuurwerk among the 105 tracks in Utwór karaoke that have been added this week on Wersja Karaoke. Discover the latest Wersja Instrumentalna Wykonawca Extreme, Elevation Worship, or Camille Dhont.

Weekly summary of Grudzień 05, 2022

We are pleased to feature Wet Sand, Snowflake and Metal Heart among the 110 tracks in Wersja Instrumentalna that have been added this week on Wersja Karaoke. Discover the latest Backing Tracks Wykonawca Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jim Reeves, or Accept.

Weekly summary of Listopad 28, 2022

We are pleased to feature Bad Day to Be a Beer, Le mal du siècle and Ferrari among the 94 tracks in Backing Tracks that have been added this week on Wersja Karaoke. Discover the latest Utwór karaoke Wykonawca Drake Milligan, Gauthier Galand, or James Hype.
