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C.C. Waterback Karaoke - Merle Haggard & George Jones

To nagranie jest coverem C.C. Waterback rozsławionym przez Merle Haggard

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Będzie Ci potrzebne kompatybilne oprogramowanie karaoke z CDG, aby odczytać te pliki. Możesz np. użyć Karafun. Pobierz oprogramowanie karaoke KaraFun.

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Tempo: variable (around 125 BPM)

Tonacja taka jak orginał: D

Czas trwania: 03:42 - Podgląd na stronie: 01:17

Data wydania: 1982
Genres: Country, W języku angielskim

Cała zawartość na naszej stronie internetowej jest w całości odtwarzana przez naszych muzyków w studio. Nie używamy żadnych części oryginalnych nagrań i w żaden sposób nie korzystamy z technologii separacji stemów AI.

Tekst C.C. Waterback

C.C. Waterback
One tequila sunrise
One's for my achin' head the other's for my bloodshot e-eyes
Yeah last night I let it all hang out
I guess that's how my head got sore
C.C. Waterback
I can't stand the pain no more
Last night we got invited to a party at the Jones' place
That's alright
For fun and games and booze and things
I guess I must have drunk a case
Not really
Well that lady of mine she drank warm red wine 'till she couldn't even find the door
She wound up on the Jones' bed
Ha ha ha ha ha and I wound up on the floor
I, I gave you
C.C. Waterback
C.C. Waterback
One tequila sunrise
One tequila sunrise
One's for my achin' head the other's for
One's for my achin' head the other's for my bloodshot eyes my bloodshot eyes
Last night I let it all hang out
I guess that's how my head
Yeah got sore
I said uh
C.C. Waterback
C.C. Waterback
Can't stand the pain
Can't stand the pain no more no more
Mmh pam mmh pam bah bam
Town town town town town
Bah dan bah bam kah down
Kown town teh
Mmh tah dum teh
Pam tah dum tan tah
Gan tah rum tan
Pan pow pom
Bom bom bom bom
Bom bom boh bom
Pah bah pah bah bah pah pah pah
Pah pah pah wah wah
Pah bam pah bam pam pam
And I fed you
C.C. Waterback
C.C. Waterback
One tequila sunrise
One tequila sunrise
One's for my achin' head the other's for
One's for my achin' head the other's for my bloodshot eyes my bloodshot eyes
Last night I let it all hang out
I guess that's how my head got sore
I said uh
C.C. Waterback
C.C. Waterback
Can't stand the pain
Can't stand the pain no more no more
Bam tuh pah bam tuh pah dam
Tuh tam tap tih dih
Tuh tih dih tih
Tih tan dih tah
Tih dih bih dih dih
Tih dih tih rih rih rih tih
Teh den teh deh teh
Pah pam mmh pem peh
Tih rih teh deh deh deh deh tah
Tan tuh duh pam tah duh tah rah
Pah dam pam dah dah town
Tum tuh teh ten tan
Tah rah tan tan tan

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