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Get Lost Karaoke - Moana 2 (Awhimai Fraser)

To nagranie jest coverem Get Lost rozsławionym przez Moana 2

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Będzie Ci potrzebne kompatybilne oprogramowanie karaoke z CDG, aby odczytać te pliki. Możesz np. użyć Karafun. Pobierz oprogramowanie karaoke KaraFun.

This universal format works with almost any device (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Connected TVs...)

Oprogramowanie KaraFun Windows Player odczyta ten format, możesz pobrać za darmo.
Ten wydajny format jest w stanie składować wiele dodatkowych podkładów audio oraz kolorowego tła poruszającego się w rytm muzyki (wizualizacje).

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Z wokalem (with or without vocals in the KFN version)

Tempo: variable (around 132 BPM)

Tonacja taka jak orginał: B♭m

The song begins a cappella

Czas trwania: 03:08 - Podgląd na stronie: 01:35

Data wydania: 2024
Genres: TV & muzyka z filmów, W języku angielskim
Słowa oryginalne: Cary Barlowe, Chris Lindsey, Shane Stevens

Cała zawartość na naszej stronie internetowej jest w całości odtwarzana przez naszych muzyków w studio. Nie używamy żadnych części oryginalnych nagrań i w żaden sposób nie korzystamy z technologii separacji stemów AI.

Tekst Get Lost

I've been stuck a thousand years
Just fading, wading through the fears
This giant clam gets real old my dear
So come real close
I'll let you know how you can get out of here
Get lost cut loose and lose your way
There ain't no fun in holdin' back babe
You gotta enjoy the thrill of living dangerously
You've got a long long way to go
Keep playing safe you'll never know
The rules are ours to break
Come on babe
It's time to get lost
Take a look around
Not right and left but up and down
'Cos on the edge it's all about living bold and free
Expand your mind to see and put your trust in me
Because you've got potential to travel the distance
I've been existential and lost to existence
And there is no map to your destination
No explanation to solve this equation
We gotta get lost cut loose and lose our way
There ain't no fun in holding back babe
You gotta enjoy the thrill of living dangerously
You got a long long way to go
Keep playing safe you'll never know
The rules are ours to break
What do you say
Don't you know how good you have it
You're all that's stopping you
For me I'm stuck like static
Can you imagine
A life this tragic in the gloom
You've got a chance so take it
I know you're scared but life's unfair
It's full of choices big and small
But trust the fall and you can have it all
Get lost cut loose and lose your way
There ain't no fun in holding back babe
Enjoy the thrill of living dangerously
You got a long long way to go
Keep playing safe you'll never know
The rules are ours to break
Get lost
Oh get lost
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Get lost

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