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Here I Go Karaoke - The Lonely Island & Charli XCX

To nagranie jest coverem Here I Go rozsławionym przez The Lonely Island
feat. Charli XCX

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Będzie Ci potrzebne kompatybilne oprogramowanie karaoke z CDG, aby odczytać te pliki. Możesz np. użyć Karafun. Pobierz oprogramowanie karaoke KaraFun.

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Z wokalem (with or without vocals in the KFN version)

Tempo takie jak w orginale: 104 BPM

Tonacja taka jak orginał: Cm, D♯m

The song begins a cappella

Czas trwania: 02:54 - Podgląd na stronie: 01:18

Data wydania: 2024
Genres: Humor, W języku angielskim

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Tekst Here I Go

There's been somethin' on my mind for a long time
A special passion of mine
I do it every chance that I find
So next time you walk past and throw away your trash
I'll pick up the phone and then do what I do best
Now here I go
I'm reportin' you to the cops
Fills me with delight
And here I go
I'm reportin' you to the cops and all my neighbors think
I'm right
I've been itchin' to do some snitchin'
I'm in my kitchen listenin'
To my conditionin' and then pickin' up that phone
And I know you're not supposed to do this anymore but does it help to know that who I snitched on was white
And now that that's cleared up we can all relax and enjoy this incredible song
About callin' the pigs on this motherfucker on my lawn
It's called havin' a cake and eatin' it too
I baked the cake and I ate the cake
Say Hell yeah motherfucker
Hell yeah hey
Hell yeah motherfucker
Hell yeah
Now here I go
I'm reportin' you to the cops
I'm callin' the pigs on a fellow white
And here I go
I'm reportin' you to the cops
Gonna sleep like a baby tonight
Now make way for my wife
Now hold up
Wait a minute
'Cos I'm about to snitch like I invented-ed it
They gonna roll up any minute
I pay my motherfuckin' taxes now I'm cashin' in on every penny
Piggy, piggy
Babe in the City
When I smell bacon always makes me feel giddy
I literally dare you to park within two centimeters of my driveway bitch
And in this crazy world
I can't believe I found
And in this crazy world
I can't believe I found someone like you someone like you
Who shows love the way we do by callin' the cops
Who shows love the way we do by callin' the cops instead of sex instead of sex
When I grab my binocular-os
On my front lawn I saw you lookin'
See you through them and my eyes narrow
Have fun at central bookin'
Now here I go
I go
I'm reportin' you to the cops
I'm reportin' you to the cop, cop
The cops yeah the copitty-cops
The fuckin' pigs
Yeah the copitty-cops
And then I walk outside like What's goin' on
But everyone's gonna know it was me
Oh but they can't say shit 'cos I'll deny it and I reported it anonymously
Now here I go
Now here I go
I'm reportin' you to the cops
I'm reportin' you to the cops
But you better believe I'll show up for that court date yeah
'Cos I got one small corner and it's mine to defend
Now here I go
I'm addicted to handcuffs so I will do my duty and call it in
Oh hell yeah motherfucker oh
Oh hell yeah motherfucker

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