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Discover our team's favorites

We thought you'd like to get to know more who's behind Wersja Karaoke, making the most each day to give you the best quality and service.

That's why several team members have selected for you their favorite songs. Discover the music that thrills us.

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Creates all the webpages on Wersja Karaoke
Manages the money and working conditions
Ensures website availability
Makes your navigation easier on Wersja Karaoke
Ensures the highest sound quality

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Higher, Michael Bublé's last album, is already available on Wersja Karaoke

Worthy heir to the jazz singers of the 1950s, Canadian artist Michael Bublé just released his new solo album Higher. A...

From « Don't Go Breaking My Heart » to « Cold Heart », Elton John still knows how to make us feel alive!

Iconoclastic artist, composer of timeless ballads and creator of hits that became classics, Sir Elton John has lived...

Cover songs for weddings? the answer is "yes"!

Soul, Rock, Pop, Movie score… Playing the right music at the right time is the magic formula to rock any wedding...

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